Left Q/A

Monthly panels/talks aimed at enhancing dialogue and debate on the left in Melbourne.

Event Details:

Generally held at 7pm at the New International Book Shop, 54 Victoria St, Carlton (basement, Trades Hall, Victoria St entrance). Admission is $5 (unless otherwise notified). In 2018 the day events are held will vary.

Upcoming Events in 2018:

Friday 16th February, 7pm 

Bill Mitchell on Reclaiming the State: A progressive Vision for Sovereignty in  a Post Neoliberal World 

Thursday 1st March,  7pm 

Anitra Nelson on Small is Necessary: Shared living on a shared planet

Tuesday 13th March, 7pm

Max Lane on Indonesia Today: Stable discontent & the challenge of radical politics. 

Tuesday 20th March, 7pm 

Verity Burgmann & Steve Wright on Wobblies & Italian Autonomists: What can we learn from radicals of the past.

Tuesday April 10th, 7pm

Panel discussion: What should the Australian Greens be on about.

Speakers: Adam Bandt and more TBA